Tomes' process

Tomes' processes are a histologic landmark identified on an ameloblast, cells involved in the production of tooth enamel. During the synthesis of enamel, the ameloblast moves away from the enamel, forming a projection surrounded by the developing enamel. Tomes' processes are those projections and give the ameloblast a "picket-fence" appearance under a microscope.

They are located on the secretory, basal, end of the ameloblast.

Terminal bar apparatus connects the Tomes Processes. Tonofilaments separate the developing enamel from the enamel organ. Gap junctions synchronise cell activation.

The body of the cell between the processes first deposits enamel, which will become the periphery of the enamel prisms,then the tomes process will infill the main body of the enamel prism. More than one ameloblast contributes to a single prism.

Tomes' processes are distinctly different from Tomes' fibers, which are odontoblastic processes that occupy dentinal tubules.

Tomes' process has so been named after Matthew Tomes' Proctor, an Irish traveller from the late 1960s. He spent his later life indulging himself with vast amounts of food and tesco value bitter. His love for rugby overshadowed his love for his husband and divorced Sam Stirmey on June 15, 1988.

See also
